Friday 22 November 2013

New Private Session Launched – Healing Messages from Your Guardian Angels' Aura

Angels speak to us through light and forms of color rays. In this unique private session, I will paint your Guardian Angels' auric fields on the spot, while delivering the additional healing messages that your Angels would like to tell you through the light.
Then, I'll further look into the healing messages with an Angel card Reading which gives further support and guidance into your life in greater self-understanding.

Since last week, I've started giving out my FIRST private session to a client friend at Angels House, Aura & Energy Wellness Spa Malaysia ~* It was a nice session being supported by the Angels' bliss and love. The Angel's aura colours, Angel message and the Angel Card reading did give great insights and encouragement for the client to have clearer mind & thoughts to move forward next step in her life with courage. All the best wishes to her who have been being a great home-maker all these times.

  • Venue: Angels House – 15A, SS15/2A, 47500 Subang Jaya (Opposite Subang AEON & Subang Parade)
    * Duration: 30mins – 45 mins
    * Energy Exchange: RM100.00 ONLY
    * Time: By appointment basis. Please CALL 016- 273 1062 for appointment.
* 画出属于您的守护天使气场 – 专业天使解读咨商服务

在这个特殊的天使解读咨商服务里,Sarana 将会现场连接您的守护天使,并彩绘出他们的氛围光频,让您的天使透过他们氛围的色彩和疗愈讯息来给您一些生活上指引。再配合天使卡与色彩的解读,来协助您更清楚地了解天使的讯息和自己目前的内在状况。

地点:天使屋 - 身心灵、瑜伽、能量与静心中心;15A, SS15/2A, 47500 Subang Jaya Subang AEON / Subang Parade正对面)

大约3045分钟 (一个人)

能量交换: 马币 RM100.00 而以。

请联络 016 - 273 1062 预约时间。

Thursday 21 November 2013

Glorious Lakshmi Abundance

November is a festive month of Lights due to Deepavali. I, ShantiDevii (my another spiritual name in Sanskrit), would like to dedicate this ring of light Mandala to the Deepavali/Diwali, as well as the embodiment of wealth and abundance – the Goddess Lakshmi !!! May the Golden Light of Joy and the Turquoise flame of Lakshmi lift you up to a higher level in realizing that you deserve the abundance and infinite bliss for you to achieve your higher goodness and higher purpose on earth. When you start to claim back your authentic personal power and be the Master of your Self, you can lead your own life without the need of having title and passionately live on with Positivity, Love & Joy.

Sharing with you a greater spiritual meaning of Deepavali/Diwali I extracted from Wikipedia below, which can even enhance the essence of Deepavali & this Mandala deeper.: 

“While Diwali is popularly known as the "festival of lights", the most significant spiritual meaning behind it is "the Awareness of the Inner Light". Central to Hindu philosophy (primarily the Yoga, Vedanta, and Samkhya schools of Hindu philosophy) is the belief that there is something beyond the physical body and mind which is pure, infinite, and eternal, called the Atman. The celebration of Diwali as the "victory of good over evil", refers to the light of higher knowledge dispelling all ignorance, the ignorance that masks one's true nature, not as the body, but as the unchanging, infinite, immanent and transcendent reality. With this awakening comes the compassion and the awareness of the oneness of all things (higher knowledge). This brings Ananda (joy or peace). Just as we celebrate the birth of our physical being, Diwali is the celebration of this Inner Light.

While the story behind Diwali and the manner of celebration varies from region to region (festive fireworks, worship, lights, sharing of sweets), the essence is the same – to Rejoice in the Inner Light (Atman) or the underlying Reality of all things (Brahman).”

So, let’s welcome and rejoice the brand new beginning with greater awareness of our higher inner light of wisdom within, while connecting our innermost Self to the Supreme consciousness closer and closer…

Be Joy, Re-Joy, Live Joy ~*

托屠妖节的福,11月是充满光的一个月份 ,在此为光明屠妖节献上一幅曼陀罗 - 黄金丰盛女神Lakshmi之光,来祝福和庆祝光明的胜利与富饶。

其实Deepavali/Diwali 它更深一层的灵性意义就是 - 内在之光的察觉(The Awareness of the Inner Light)。当Deepavali是在庆祝正义战胜邪恶的当儿,同时它也代表着更高的智慧之光消除人们所有的无知,摧毁那股把我们内在最真最至上的本质给遮掩伪装的无知。所以虽然人们有不同形式来庆祝Deepavali, 但其本质内在的意义一样的,那就是 - 于内在之光或在那万事万物至高无上的真理里尽情欢庆 [to Rejoice in the Inner Light (Atman) or the underlying Reality of all things (Brahman).]!

在此祝福大家,活出你的光,走向喜悦之道 ~*
* Namaste,
ShantiDevii Sarana

Monday 1 July 2013





- 决定释放内心的匮乏、局限、不信任。

- 开始察觉在生活上一直重复的故事,正视它并决定跳出来,重新灌入新的正面的故事与记忆。
- 决定自己开始做决定,做自己的主人,为自己负责。

- 决定积极面对克服生活上的挑战、极限与害怕。

- 决定自己要的,不断地学习,不断充实自己,丰富自己的内在。

- 决定让自己的舒适范围再大一些、再扩充。唯有让自己不断踏入不舒适的区块去尝试去实践去付出,自己的舒适范围才能被扩充。当舒适范围越来越大,也就能装下越来越多的丰盛与富足咯~

- 决定冒险!您我的今生只有一次,今世不冒个险,要等到几时呢?

- 决定相信:我可以!我值得!整个宇宙无限的能量与资源与我共创!

- 最后决定:我行动!


又或者您目前人生面对着怎么样的挑战与课题,您也可以来询问,看看我们中心 *天使屋 Angels House, Holistic New Age Metaphysical & Yoga Centre Malaysia* 有什么高能量产品和咨商服务适合平衡您的身心灵。
*天使屋 Angels House
地址:15A, Jalan SS15/2A, 47500 Subang Jaya (Opposite Subang Aeon "previously Carrefour", by appointment only.)
联络:Sarana 016-273 1062 / Victor 016-268 0663


Sarana 在此 祝福您 2013 下半年,一路丰收,喜悦,健康,祥和。


Tuesday 2 April 2013

SARANA Heart Angels' Whisper for April 2013

SARANA Heart Angels' Whisper for April 2013:
Entering into the Month of April, the month of Spring where flower buds and green leaves start to bloom, representing a new cycle of life begins after the dead cold winter. As for you the one loved by Him, it's time to come back to your centre of your heart to contemplate and realize your life being for the past first quarter of the year. Align yourself back to the track or goal you want, filter the trivial matters/people that bother you and shift your focus back to the higher intention and purpose that you want to achieve, while make your heart a little warmer and gentler and softer for a more sentient being...
Like the blooming flowers in the Spring, make your higher intention buds with the lights and love from the divine. We Angels are here ready to support you in achieving that with your trust and faith + effort.
Happy Spring April everyone ~*
Angels' Love,
Angel Intuitive Artist


Monday 28 January 2013

Are Angels ONLY for Christian?

" Are Angels ONLY for Christian? Since you paint Angels, Are You a Christian ? "

These are the MOST Popular questions I always get from people. Well, I'm not a Christian even though I help people to paint their Guardian Angels all the time. And Angels are not only in Christian. They do appear in other different religions & traditions (such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Muslim), just people worship them in different names of light beings. Here, I found a clearer explanation below telling you HOW ARE ANGELS in different religions & What Angels can do for us from Manael Victor's point-of-views, the founder of Meta Angelic Healing.

Angels are non-religious. We use the word “angels” because it makes people feel very lovely and jolly and after all positive! Angels in other religious traditions are:
*  Hindu - Devayoniss or Siddhas
*  Buddhist - Dharma Protectors
*  Muslim - Malaikat
*  Other traditions - Emissaries of Light, Bestowal of peace, the shining ones etc.
So there are ANGELS of some sort in every tradition of religion that makes this as a real fact of truth in that every spiritual or religious tradition believe Angels are overlight sentient beings guarding them. Therefore, if every tradition of religion has Angels, then it makes sense that the Angels are non-denominational and non religious then!


What does Angels Therapy/Angels Healing do ?
Well, different people have different perspectives on this and in terms of Meta Angelic Healing it is:
The Angels are here to show our way back to our heart and True it up. For many reasons sakes, many people have lost touch with their heart, be it feeling, or compassionate nature, or sense of beingness. We are being limited by so many layers of judgments of believes from ancestral, parental, societal, religious, traumas in life etc. So the angels help you to put yourself back into your heart and from there, they guide you to TRUE IT UP. They help you to remember your inner magnificence and sacred qualities nature that you have, shine your gifts and live your purpose.

Saturday 3 November 2012

2012 YEAR END Free Gifts Offer ~*

Hello my dear friends, how are you?
Hope u are doing fine ~* Now is November, 2 more months in 2012 before we enter into the new golden era of 2013.

In this coming Christmas & in welcoming the New Year 2013, me, Sarana is here giving out some FREE high vibration energy healing products as gifts for every piece of Personalized Guardian Angel Portrait order, which are very supportive in your connection with Angels, as well as improving the quality of your daily life that lasts.

Different sizes of painting are packaged with different types of complimentary energy products, but ALL the paintings (regardless of sizes) are come with the Original hand-painted of Guardian Angel Painting + Framing +Angel Message for your Life + Print of the Painting as usual.

* SMALL : A4-sized (20.4cm x 29.7cm)

* BIG : A3-sized (29.7 x 42.0 cm)
FREE 1 deck of ANGEL ORACLE CARDS + 1 ROSE QUARTZ + 1 AURALIGHT Colour Harmony Bottle

(1) Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue, PhD. (in English & Mandarin) ~* 
Angel Oracle Card is one of the simplest tool to help you in building an Inner Bridge between your heart and the Angelic Realms. To me personally, Angel card is one of the useful and easy tools in receiving divine message when we seek for guidance from our Guardian Angels or from the Divine. Besides Angel Cards, there are other elementals cards of Unicorns, Dolphins and Fairies which give you a more cheerful and joyous energy vibes.
- 大天使神谕占卜卡 (Archangel Oracle Cards)
- 天使疗愈卡 (Angel Therapy Oracle Cards)
- 守护天使指引卡 (Daily Guidance From Your Angels Oracle Cards)
- 神奇精灵指引卡 (Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards)
- Healing with The Fairies
- Magical Unicorns
- Magical Mermaids & Dolphins
- Goddess Guidance
You can choose whichever deck of oracle cards that you like, BUT subject to stock availability. So if this is your calling, please place the order with me quickly and I shall reserve the your desired card for you =)

(2) Lovely Rose Quartz - The un-disputed Crystals Queen of Love!
Rose quartz brings self love, teaches self love and unconditional love! It heals the heart that hurts, the past that bothers, and the wounds that never recover. Rose Quartz brings all of those into a balanced whole! Also, Rose quartz helps you to stabilize anxiety before any projects and it’s great for travelling phobia!
Holding rose quartz is an effective tool for dealing with emotional stress, anxiety and fear; also a piece placed under the pillow helps improve the quality of sleep. Although its colour links it directly to the heart chakra, rose quartz can be placed at any area of the body that needs the support of the pink ray of unconditional love.
I understand that most of us are stressful in fighting for survival needs, so I specially chose Rose Quartz for you to ease your stress, also to open your heart chakra in connecting with your Angels further.

(3) Auralight Colour Harmony Bottles from Australia that hold the Unicorn energies ~*
At Angel’s discretion, an Auralight Colour Harmony bottle will be picked for you that associate with your Personalized Guardian Angel Portrait painting. Colours appeared in the painting normally reveal certain meanings/messages or decode certain hidden qualities that your Angels would like to tell you. So, with
its therapeutic effect, the Auralight bottle can help you to not just realize it, but to release it in a lasting manner. Freedom only comes when unnecessary emotional traumas being released with honesty and a willingness to reflect within.
Ingredients: layers of oil/ purified water that contains: mineral oil, essential oils, crystals energies, flower essences, platonic solid, sea shell vibration as well as sound toned encoded.
We have professional colour consultant cum practitioner here to give you better explanation on the bottle specially picked for you and teach you how to apply it on your body.. Isn't COOL?!

This can be a special gift for yourself or for your beloved one from Angels. It’s LIMTIED TO 5 ORDERS ONLY
Different types of products (Angel cards, stones & bottles) are vibrating at its own energies, and specially chosen for You and Your Love one when you order a Personalized Guardian Angel Paitning with me ~*... They may be subtle, yet powerful....!
If you were to ask me WHY i wanna give away all these gifts? Well, it's just SIMPLY that I'd love to share with you some good stuff that are supportive in your connection with Angels and for your personal growth while having unique Personalized Guardian Angel Portrait painting.
So, are they calling You? If YES, pleace contact Sarana (me) 016-273 1062 , or simply drop me an email to know further. Remember~ it's ONLY limit to 5 Orders ~* Hurry UP before you get any disappointment  ;-)
 * SMALL : A4-sized (20.4cm x 29.7cm)
[worth RM70 ~ RM130 depends on the card deck u choose].
* BIG : A3-sized (29.7 x 42.0 cm)
FREE 1 deck of ANGEL ORACLE CARDS + 1 ROSE QUARTZ + 1 AURALIGHT Colour Harmony Bottle
[worth RM170 ~ RM230 depends on the card deck u choose]
Love & Peace,
Sarana Khoo *(^ ' ^)*

Thursday 2 August 2012

Who are Your Guardian Angels ? 谁是你的守护天使呢?

Hi everyone.. as you know that I help people to paint Guardian Angels. However, some of you who are not familiar with Angels may wonder ‘Who are my Guardian Angels?’… ‘What are they for me?’…
Or even if some of you are familiar with Angels through different modalities or schools of thoughts, however do you really have a clear view and perception on your Guardian Angels? Do you always think that ‘My Guardian Angel is Archangel Michael..’ ? or Do you always tell people that ‘Ohhh my Angel is this colour bottle..!’ ?
Here, I’m going to share with you a very insightful article on Guardian Angel, written by the founder of Meta Angelic Healing, Victor S.P Lu, who has been being a clear channel in connecting with the Angelic Realms, also mentor people internationally to connect with their angels and learn how to channel and heal their life with Angels.

Hope this article helps you to enhance your understanding on your Guardian Angels and have a HEALTHY RIGHT conscious about Angels. Enjoy reading.. *(^ ' ^)*
April Angels - Your Have Guardian Angels, Allow Us To True Up Your Life!
by Meta Angelic Healing 天使光频疗法 on Friday, April 20, 2012 at 10:41pm ·

You have Guardian Angels, Allow Us to True Up Your Life!
We all have guardian angels, no matter you realize it or not. No matter you believed it or not. The angels are always here with us, assist us and guide us on many occasions.

Now, what are guardian angels? Guardian angels are God sent frequencies of love and light to surround and guide our life to be on track. Their purpose is to guard us so that we may fulfill our life purpose here on earth. Mostly, they hold certain qualities or attributes for us to embrace, expressed and embody through remembrance.

Guardian angels are with us since our birth till the last breathe in our life.

How many guardian angels each person has? Usually, in my own experience as a teacher and intuitive, everyone has at least 3 or more guardian angels and particularly there will be 1 that is more dominant that you can felt its presence more….this doesn’t mean the rest are more SHY or Quiet like many said so….it just means that you are yet to attune to their light to reveal another chapter of your life just yet.

Do your guardian angels have name? Yes they do, however, in my experience, it would be BEST that you recognize their quality or energies (if u is sensitive) rather than their name. If you would like to work with the name, the 72 Angels from the Kabbalah give a good solitude on this because if the name being channel by others, high chances are many channelers will tune into the archangels or spirit guides.

Are Spirits animals or archangels or my passed away grandpa or Sharman or ET my guardian angels? No, they are not Angels except archangels. These are what I call it – your spirit teams, spirit guides comes and usually it is more easy to tune into them and they will leave you sometimes but your guardian angels never goes… they are always there and with you

Archangel Guides are not your guardian angels too. They can serve as your guardian for a higher purpose but just not your guardian angels.

Your guardian angels are NOT 72 angels too; the 72angels are specific band of angelic energies that can act as a bridge to help you have a stepping stones towards your truest essence. They help you to understand who you are in a better way, offering you an energies and support for you to grow. However, 72angels are good start to embrace who you are more and more……

Your Guardian Angels ARE NOT in a bottle of essences or oils. Those bottles of oils and essences that you see or use or wear or work with HOLDS some portion of Angelic Energies in it and NOT the angels are INSIDE the bottles. And usually, bottles of any kind are pretty devic/elementals.

Your Guardian Angels Never Tells you Things, they Guide you THROUGH Thing, they guide you through Life rather than giving you a predictive momentum. Mostly, you will find that your guardian angels helps you to grow more and more, to open your heart more and more and guide you to shine your light more and more till you walk your path, and your path are nothing about mysticism or fancy stuff, it is simply becoming more and more truthful, authentic and integrated, balance and heart expansion.

Your guardian angels never guide you into dependency issues of any kind or any sorts, that is why when you work with the angels, you will find that addictions behaviors, foods, craving of any kind include sex etc starts to melt away and more healthy stuff came in or at least the most appropriate and your truest inner desire surface for you to look and decide.

Your guardian angels guides you to remember that you are never being left out from Heaven, and that Heaven are never out there….you are merely forgot your true heart presence and bound into the limitation of various karmic influence……so the angels always remind us and guide us to be more and more grounded, more and more attune to our heart here on earth and when we do so, whatsoever karmic ties will slowly fade away itself through our realization and service to humanity.

And because of this, emotional stability, removal of outmoded beliefs from ancestral, dogmatic religious/rituals biases, societal influence, as well as energetic clarity (not energetic power boosting , but clarity) are some of those few things that you will experience when you engage with your guardian angels.

Working with or connecting to our guardian angels are really not about being robotic, being mechanical, being fantasy, being lack, being ties back to certain kind of status like priest or priestesses or being luxurious (going to spa detox or go to sacred spots in order to receive clear guidance or in order to feel spiritual etc) …it is about being authentic to grow genuinely from the heart here and now. And if you do so, you are more than ready to embrace your divine guidance through the angels.

Inviting, working and evoking the angels will simply put into these words - Helps you to be more loving towards yourself on ALL LEVELS and starts to TRUE UP Your Life.

So hope you enjoy this article and if you have any questions I would like to hear your experiences. Share it to me and I would like to hear your experience;-)

© All Rights Reserved, articles are written and owned by Victor Lu in 20th of April 2012.

Can you share this? Of coz you can my friend! All I ask is that you share this on the entirety and include in your title – Articles are written by Victor S. P. Lu from Meta Angelic Healing. If you interested further, kindly contact us via

About Victor S.P Lu

* Founder of Meta Angelic Healing System
* Owner of Angel House – Colour Your Life
* Life coach and mentor
* Biz coach for solo entrepreneurs
* Contact: